
The body is naturally designed to respond to environmental insults. Whenever we exceed our resilience bandwidth, we experience toxic overload producing oxidative stress and excessive inflammation. Chronic excessive inflammation always has a health consequence that often develops over years and decades. By the time that consequence become a diagnosable symptom, the process in way downstream from the original root cause.

Our goal at NOTOX Wellness is to identify the most prevalent toxins that may be contributing to this inflammation and eliminate as much as possible. The more we can eliminate the more we enable the body’s natural resilience and stimulate our God given capacity to regenerate optimal wellness.

The daily, year in year out assault of environmental toxins compromises that wellness leading to toxic overload and eventually to one or more chronic diseases or degenerative disorders. At NOTOX we do the detective work to identify the toxins that are most likely associated with your health issues. Elimination of these toxins in the beginning of the recovery process and return to wellness.

Our services can help you in two ways:


  • Review of clients health issues to establish a thorough understanding of a person’s health concerns, lifestyle habits, environmental exposures, and other stressors.
  • Identify, and connect the dots, to zero in on the specific environmental exposures that are most likely associated with clients unique health issues
  • Prepare an elimination plan and review with client.
  • Develop a customized detox protocol.
  • Recommendations for alternative foods, non toxic products, and overall wellness practices including  lifestyle changes.
  • Discuss clinical laboratory testing and medical team follow up.
  • Achieve, to the extent feasible, an environment of fresh air, pure water, and clean food.


  • Brief interview about clients health concerns.
  • Assessment of food and beverage products and sources.
  • Review of household products.
  • Review of personal care products.
  • Overview of conditions that can potentially compromise indoor air duality such as VOCs, Mold, Lead Paint, Formaldehyde, etc
  • Review of drinking water source.
  • Prepare an overall strategic wellness plan and review with client.
  • EMF Exposure assessment.
  • Mold Assessment – outsource if necessary.
Most chronic diseases and degenerative disorders took years to develop.
Medicine and conventional treatments usually mitigate the symptoms, but do not fix the underlying problem. Elimination of the root causes is a necessary starting point, and a slow process to restore resilience and wellness. Remember this is a long game requiring a team effort and serious commitment.